FadBlock Origin 的评价
FadBlock Origin 作者: Piyush Raj
53 条评价
- 评分 1 / 5来自 kessoku,3 个月前It used to work really well like 3 months ago but it has not worked at all since then. When it does work its good but it will spam you with a popup telling you to buy it which is really annoying and makes me not want to buy it even more ESPECIALLY when it's not even working most of the time. I cannot recommend this extension at all in it's current state and with no updates or anything in the past 7 months I think it's safe to say this extension is dead.
- 评分 1 / 5来自 David Grossberg,3 个月前It stopped working a few weeks or maybe a month ago and hasn't been updated. Just not skipping ads anymore. I tried uninstall and reinstalling it, but that didn't help
- 评分 1 / 5来自 nm115,5 个月前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Dormiyu,1 年前It's just stopped working as of yesterday and nothing I can find seems to make it work again. It's also ironically asking for money now...
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Lesley Lai,1 年前I like this plugin and it works well for me. Unfortunately, from the Github:
> I am no longer the owner of the extension called "FadBlock". I handed the extension off over a month ago, seems like it traded hands a couple of times, and now the current owner has added malicious code while keeping the extension as it is!
https://github.com/0x48piraj/fadblock - 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 14362366,1 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 miniops12,1 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18182995,1 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 oqtavios,1 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Aures,1 年前Skips the ads...and the whole video. Also keeps the video locked at the end so you're not able to see it
- 评分 1 / 5来自 Firefox 用户 18142631,1 年前
- 评分 1 / 5来自 triger,1 年前Makes youtube slow and laggy and now it stoped working unless you pay for it, so i had to search for another working adblock and found uBlock origin, it works perfectly fine like with no lag and no 0.5 second ad skip, its just like pre youtube adblock ban. Don't waste your time with this crap extension.
发布于 1 年前Hope your account doesn't get banned (https://www.reddit.com/r/Adblock/comments/17rluvd/purging_caches_refreshing_in_ublock_on_firefox/) because you seem like the guy who has no idea what is he doing. - 评分 1 / 5来自 VoltageEfflux,1 年前Adblocker that advertises to you and the developer doesn't see the irony in this and decided to cancel support after the next update because not enough people purchased something that they installed specifically to avoid paying for a service; Proving their hesitance to pay was justified due to the lack of guaranteed support in the future.
(By the way, you may want to remove that soon, because it's literally an option that's able to be selected when reporting an add-on to Mozilla: "It contains spam or inserts unwanted advertising Example: Insert ads on webpages"
The use of overlaying a payment window also isn't stated in the add-on description, it simply states that the add on "uses extensionpay.com as a payment processor integrated with Stripe for obtaining a one-time lifetime license after an initial free trial period", no where does this state that the add-on will be overlaying this by force; this violates the "No surprises" Mozilla Add-on Policy which specifies "Users should be able to easily discern what the functionality of your add-on is and should not be presented with unexpected user experiences after installing it." ) - 评分 1 / 5来自 ARandomPerson,1 年前slows down the entire browser. Even firefox gives warning; that the extension is slowing down the browser. Very poorly optimized.
发布于 1 年前It's the problem with YouTube injecting a ton of useless DOM elements which FadBlock has to go through. The lag stabilises after a while and YouTube starts working smoothly.
I am working on targeting the skip button more accurately to increase the performance. Still, it will be delayed a bit as there are higher-priority issues coming in the next update. - 评分 1 / 5来自 Carlos,1 年前
发布于 1 年前The upgrade was hastily put and the current limit is 3 not just the one. And I have already increased the limit to 50 and submitted it to the store.
A new upgrade has already been submitted but it'll take the dev team a day or two to give it the green light and roll out the new version.
Seems like people don't even want to make a one-time contribution, I will be discontinuing the support and will be not replying to threads after the next update.- 评分 1 / 5来自 skyline555,1 年前Rubbish. Didn't work that well before and now he's asking for money? He'll probably take it and bounce. Wouldn't give him a cent.
Btw. you can still watch vids with an ad blocker, just open the video in incognito mode. Don't give scammers your hard earned money. 开发者回应
发布于 1 年前If you want to, you can post 'em. However, I am not maintaining the repository anymore.
I am pushing a new version with a softer limit, maybe that's the problem? If you want to, test it when it comes, and if not, uninstall FadBlock. I will not be updating it.